About me

Constance is a current Communication PhD student working with Dr. Rick Dale and Dr. Greg Bryant at UCLA interested in emotional communication, with an emphasis on self-talk and intrapersonal communication. She also is the Principal Investigator for the Stream of Mind Lab, a cross-institution collaborative research group. She incorporates evolutionary, developmental, and psychological theories with natural language processing, acoustic analysis, and psychophysics methodologies. In particular, she's interested in understanding what influences and characterizes the flow of streams-of-consciousness, what behaviors makeup a constellation of self-communicative abilities, how interventions can be designed to improve self-directed experience of life, and the dynamics of emotional responses to creative experience. Prior to studies at UCLA, Constance studied classical violin performance at Boston University, and has since conducted research on both visual memorability and auditory illusions with Dr. Aude Oliva (MIT), and infant and adult perception of cross-cultural vocal music with Dr. Samuel Mehr (Harvard). Constance has also completed a Masters of Science in Communication (2022) at UCLA, and holds a graduate certificate in Front-End Web Developement (Harvard Extension School, 2020).
Other interests: bouldering/rock climbing, songwriting, electronic music production, violin performance, visual art and graphic design.